Big class read-only
1. Why enable read-only
Increase the maximum number of people that can be carried in a room and reduce the cost of subscribing to a long connection. (sdk upgrade to latest support)
Detailed description of read-only mode and interactive mode
2. How to enable read-only
2.1 Enable read-only before joining (recommended)
public class RoomParams extends WhiteObject {
public void setWritable(boolean writable) {
isWritable = writable;
2.2 Open (or close) read-only after joining
public class Room extends Displayer {
* Set read-write mode
* @param writable is writable
* @param promise completes the callback and returns the read and write status of the room at the same time
* @since 2.6.1
public void setWritable(final boolean writable, final Promise<Boolean> promise) {
bridge.callHandler("room.setWritable", new Object[]{writable}, new OnReturnValue<String>() {
public void onValue(String result) {
SDKError sdkError = SDKError.promiseError(result);
if (sdkError != null) {
} else {
JsonObject jsonObject = gson.fromJson(result, JsonObject.class);
Boolean isWritable = jsonObject.get("isWritable").getAsBoolean();