How to insert ppt, switch ppt
1. What is the scene
For the end customer, the scenario is the "whiteboard" and "whiteboard pagination" above. For developers, it is the following data structure.
type WhiteScene = {
name: string; // Scene name
componentsCount: number; // The number of elements on the white board, the new empty scene is 0
ppt?: PptDescription; // ppt resources
type PptDescription = {
src: string; // Dynamic json, static url
width: number; // Document width
height: number; // Document height
2. How to insert ppt into the scene
2.1 Core Methods of Scene Operations
Equivalent to "Save As" of daily computer operation, which is to save the scene in the corresponding address
room.putScenes(`/init`, scenes); // Insert ppt content
It is equivalent to the “open folder” of daily computer operation, which is to access the corresponding scene at the specified address
room.setScenePath(`/init/page2`); // The corresponding content is displayed: the second page under init
2.2 Processing method for temporary submission document conversion service
import {Room, PptConverter} from "white-web-sdk";
const pptConverter = whiteWebSdk.pptConverter(roomToken);
res = await pptConverter.convert({
url: pptURL, // Source file address
kind: kind, // Transcoding type
onProgressUpdated: progress => {
console.log(progress) // Transcoding progress
// The convert method is to enter a document address and return an array of scenes [Scene, Scene, Scene]
room.putScenes(`/init`, res.scenes);
2.3 Processing method of data obtained from server
// [url, url] or [json, json] interact after map processing
const scenes: []Scene = [url, url].map()
// The convert method is to enter a document address and return an array of scenes [Scene, Scene, Scene]
room.putScenes(`/`, scenes);
3. How to switch ppt
// Previous
room.pptPreviousStep ();
// next step
room.pptNextStep ();
// switch to the specified path
room.setScenePath (`/ init / page2`);
// If this method is in a dynamic ppt, then this is the next animation. If in static ppt, then the next page