Cursor position sync
When operating on one whiteboard, you can synchronize the mouse position to another whiteboard. The effect is as follows:
Install the cursor-adapter library
npm install @netless/cursor-adapter -save
yarn add @netless/cursor-adapter
// 1. import lib
import {UserCursor} from "@netless/cursor-adapter";
// 2. new cursor obj
const cursor = new UserCursor();
const room = await whiteWebSdk.joinRoom({
uuid: uuid,
roomToken: roomToken,
// 3. assignment
cursorAdapter: cursor,
userPayload: {
userId: userId,
name: userName,
// 4. If you want the mouse to have the user's avatar, the avatar key can be passed into the network address
avatar: userAvatarUrl,
identity: identity,
onRoomStateChanged: modifyState => {
if (modifyState.roomMembers) {
// 6、After the status of the members in the room changes, the roomMembers status needs to be updated.
// 5、After the room object is instantiated, it is passed into roomMembers as soon as possible