Video and audio plugins (supports mp3 / mp4)
** Prerequisites for Integration **
The SDK version is upgraded to 2.5.4 or higher (the version that can be displayed on iOS is 2.5.7, and the version that can be displayed on Android is 2.5.1). If the insert call is invalid, it means that it is in the old environment of 2.3.x, please contact us to switch to the support plugin environment (
Control video, audio playback, pause, and drag progress bar on a whiteboard. The effect is as follows:
Install the cursor-adapter library
npm install @netless/white-video-plugin -save
npm install @netless/white-audio-plugin -save
yarn add @netless/white-video-plugin
yarn add @netless/white-audio-plugin
Load plugin
import {WhiteWebSdk, createPlugins} from "white-web-sdk";
// 1.Introduce the corresponding library videoPlugin
import {videoPlugin} from "@ netless / white-video-plugin";
// 2, createPlugins method can construct plugins
const plugins = createPlugins ({"video": videoPlugin, "audio": audioPlugin});
// 3, setPluginContext method can set plugin who can control
plugins.setPluginContext ("video", {identity: "host"}); // if identity is a teacher, host is a student guest
plugins.setPluginContext ("audio", {identity: "host"});
// 4.Load plugins during initialization
whiteWebSdk = new WhiteWebSdk ({plugins: plugins});
启用 plugin
// 5. Insert video plugin
room.insertPlugin("video", {
originX: 0, // Relative position of inserted video originX: 0 originY: 0 is exactly in the middle
originY: 0,
width: 480, // Insert the width of the video component
height: 270, // Insert the height of the video component
attributes: {
pluginVideoUrl: url, // Insert the network address of the video. Note that resources allow cross-domain access when debugging
// 6. insert audio plugin (fields are the same as above)
room.insertPlugin("audio", {
originX: 0,
originY: 0,
width: 480,
height: 86,
attributes: {
pluginAudioUrl: url,